Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Six jars plus one! How to manage our money.

Have u ever heard about JARS SYSTEM?

T. Harv Eker, in his book “Secrets of Millionaire Mind” says that;

The habit is much more important than the amount.

It doesn't matter either you’re managing $100,000, $1,000, $100, $10, $1 or 10 cents. All that matters is you manage whatever money you have.

Basically, using this system, you split your money up into six different accounts, and you have percentages of your money to put into each account. You can use bank accounts or actual jars.

And in my opinion, we should add 1 more jar for our Parents. Either they live or not, we should spend some for them. We can give cash, gift, belanja makan or even give sedekah on behalf of them. Kan?

So what are these jars and what percentage of your income goes into them?

1. Put 50% of your income into NEC or Necessities: rent, food, gas, bills, etc.

2. 10% in Long-Term Savings for Spending, otherwise known as the rainy-day fund. Or maybe there’s a car or some other big-ticket item you want to buy. This fund is your most flexible in terms of what you can do with it, but the intention is to do something with it, or that it be there for that just-in-case scenario.

3. 10% for Play. This is for leisurely expenses including sports, movies, general activity and entertainment. Make to sure to spend ALL your play money each month spoiling yourself! 😘😘

4. 10% for Education. Books, courses, mentoring, coaching, etc. Always educate yourself.

5. 10% for FFA or Financial Freedom Account. This is for investing or anything that is going to make this portion of your money work for you toward passive income streams.

6. 5% for Giving. It’s spiritually, ethically, and morally sound practice to give a portion of your earnings toward causes that can use the funding to educate or somehow better other people’s lives. And.. of course, the more we give, the more we get. Remember the concept?

7. 5% for Parents. We can give cash, gift, belanja makan or we can even give sedekah on behalf of them. Niatkan untuk mereka. Nak jadi anak soleh dan solehah kan semua? 😁😁

Lets do it!

Happy saving everyone! πŸ€“πŸ€“

#tsunamishaklee #u2power #amaniwaldin

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